why choose us ?
Established in 1995, Clarke Koi is one of the most experienced pond companies you will find. Specializing in the niche pond hobby like we do, Clarke Koi has thrived because we excel at client service and sharing our unique expertise. Our approach is to provide complete information and great value to all our clients everyday. Our pricing is also very competitive, for example we have done pond openings and closings at approximately 40% of what clients tell us they have paid previously...
More experience...
- Our team has a combined excess of 50 years of koi keeping experience and we are ready to share our knowledge with you. Testimonials
- Our unique portfolio showcases over 70 ponds we have built since 1995. We haven't seen anything quite like it on the web
- This website clearly illustrates our extensive involvement and achievements in this hobby. We don't claim what we can do, we show what we have done
more passion...
- Our clients quickly realize that we share the same passion and love for the hobby as they do - we all love the fish
- We are concerned about the fish first - not selling you things you don't need
striving to provide the best customer service
There is nothing worse than calling a company when you really need answers only to quickly realize the person on the other end can't help you - they just don't have the knowledge base. Renown for our expertise and care, new clients often comment on how impressed they are with the time we take and the key information imparted
No Invoice Required Returns and Warranty Help
Because we record all transactions on our computer, we offer no hassle no invoice required returns and warranty exchanges. We have even warrantied items brought in by new clients who originally purchased the product from another supplier