we are always available to you @ Clarke koi ponds
Talk & Text/WhatsApp:
Randall: 416 - 459 - 7895
Lauren: 613 - 743 - 5550
Vendors Permit
# 9869-1562
email us:
Our Website is
over 130 pages packed with lots of info, pictures and videos
"Our policy is to answer all emails within 48hrs. if you don't get a response please try again or give us a call"
Mailing Address
763 Warden Avenue, Unit 10
Toronto, ON, Canada M1L 4B7
[entrance to the shop is actually on Comstock Road, 2 lights South of Eglinton]
Please Mail chq's to the above address, payable to "Clarke Koi Ponds inc."
You can also
pay by email transfer OR by Credit card